Sept. 14, 2000

MS Girls

9/10 Girls

JV Girls

Varsity Girls

MS Boys

9/10 Boys

JV Boys

Varsity Boys

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  1   Iowa City High           16    1    2    3    4    6    8    9   13:53        24
  2   Valley                   52    5    7   12   13   15   17   23   14:31        50
  3   Ames                     69   10   11   14   16   18   19   21   14:49        47
  4   Roosevelt               136   22   24   28   30   32   33   34   16:17      1:27
  5   Dowling                 146   20   26   27   35   38             16:59      4:09
  6   Johnston                158   25   29   31   36   37             17:08      2:30


1. Iowa City High
    1  Laurie Heckman, Sr          13:39  
    2  Erilynn Russo, Jr           13:47  
    3  Amber Maske, Sr             13:55  
    4  Sarah Heffner, Jr           14:00  
    6  Abby Krueger, Sr            14:03  
Time = 1:09:22     Places = 16

2. Valley
    5  Larissa Nordstrom, Jr       14:01  
    7  Martha Edwards, Jr          14:07  
   12  Jaime Noyce, Sr             14:46  
   13  Alissa Scarrow, Jr          14:48  
   15  Lindsay Anderson, Sr        14:51  
Time = 1:12:31     Places = 52

3. Ames
   10  Jennifer Lowry, Jr          14:27  
   11  Kelly McMaken, Jr           14:40  
   14  Emily Smith, Sr             14:48  
   16  Heather Lowman, Sr          14:55  
   18  Emily Fauquet, Jr           15:14  
Time = 1:14:03     Places = 69

4. Roosevelt
   22  Jeana Calvert, Sr           15:25  
   24  Michelle Orfield, Jr        15:46  
   28  Brennan Johnson, Sr         16:40  
   30  Claire Lamarche, Sr         16:46  
   32  Queen Konne, Jr             16:51  
Time = 1:21:25     Places = 136

5. Dowling
   20  Austin Brown, Jr            15:19  
   26  Beth Giudicessi, Jr         16:01  
   27  Meghan Smith, Jr            16:14  
   35  Sara Craig, Jr              17:52  
   38  Annie Victor, Jr            19:28  
Time = 1:24:53     Places = 146

6. Johnston
   25  Maggie Tews, Sr             15:50  
   29  Kelli Ryan, Sr              16:44  
   31  Nikki Desplinter, Jr        16:48  
   36  Felisa Hansen, Jr           18:01  
   37  Tara Ely, Jr                18:19  
Time = 1:25:40     Places = 158

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Laurie Heckman, Sr          13:39    Iowa City High
    2     2  Erilynn Russo, Jr           13:47    Iowa City High
    3     3  Amber Maske, Sr             13:55    Iowa City High
    4     4  Sarah Heffner, Jr           14:00    Iowa City High
    5     5  Larissa Nordstrom, Jr       14:01    Valley
    6     6  Abby Krueger, Sr            14:03    Iowa City High
    7     7  Martha Edwards, Jr          14:07    Valley
    8     8  Emily Klinefelter, Jr       14:20    Iowa City High
    9     9  Courtney Sauser, Sr         14:22    Iowa City High
   10    10  Jennifer Lowry, Jr          14:27    Ames
   11    11  Kelly McMaken, Jr           14:40    Ames
   12        Mandy Voss, Sr              14:45    Iowa City High
   13    12  Jaime Noyce, Sr             14:46    Valley
   14        Maureen Tabor, Sr           14:47    Iowa City High
   15    13  Alissa Scarrow, Jr          14:48    Valley
   16    14  Emily Smith, Sr             14:48    Ames
   17    15  Lindsay Anderson, Sr        14:51    Valley
   18        Kelly Remboldt, Sr          14:53    Iowa City High
   19    16  Heather Lowman, Sr          14:55    Ames
   20        Dana Logdsen, Sr            15:03    Iowa City High
   21    17  Jennifer Geneser, Jr        15:04    Valley
   22        Rachel Gannon, Jr           15:11    Iowa City High
   23    18  Emily Fauquet, Jr           15:14    Ames
   24        Anna Wilkinson, Sr          15:14    Iowa City High
   25    19  Sarah Fauquet, Jr           15:15    Ames
   26    20  Austin Brown, Jr            15:19    Dowling
   27    21  Erin Johnson, Sr            15:21    Ames
   28        Brittany Casos, Sr          15:23    Iowa City High
   29    22  Jeana Calvert, Sr           15:25    Roosevelt
   30        Joselyn Berbaum, Jr         15:28    Iowa City High
   31        Emily O'Shaughnessy, Jr     15:29    Iowa City High
   32        Erin Walker, Jr             15:30    Ames
   33        Lauara Obrycki, Sr          15:32    Ames
   34        Katie Hill, Sr              15:40    Iowa City High
   35        Brenda Giovanellia, Jr      15:41    Iowa City High
   36    23  Anne Mikesell, Jr           15:42    Valley
   37        Molly Countryman, Sr        15:43    Iowa City High
   38        Theresa Horton, Jr          15:44    Ames
   39    24  Michelle Orfield, Jr        15:46    Roosevelt
   40    25  Maggie Tews, Sr             15:50    Johnston
   41        Amanda Crowley, Sr          15:53    Iowa City High
   42        Breanna Petersen, Jr        15:55    Ames
   43        Bernadette Wilson, Jr       15:57    Ames
   44        Betsy Brase, Sr             15:58    Valley
   45        Brie Nixon, Sr              15:59    Iowa City High
   46        Kris Nelson, Jr             16:00    Valley
   47    26  Beth Giudicessi, Jr         16:01    Dowling
   48        Rachel Teas, Jr             16:03    Ames
   49        Dara Poorman, Jr            16:04    Ames
   50    27  Meghan Smith, Jr            16:14    Dowling
   51        Hang Nguyen, Jr             16:15    Ames
   52        Mari Hashimoto, Jr          16:15    Iowa City High
   53        Sarah Beisser, Jr           16:17    Ames
   54        Maggie Spencer, Sr          16:22    Iowa City High
   55        Zoe Plaugher, Sr            16:23    Iowa City High
   56        Mandi Crawford, Jr          16:25    Ames
   57        Carrie Sorenson, Jr         16:31    Iowa City High
   58        Julie Slocum, Jr            16:34    Ames
   59        Amie Shao, Jr               16:37    Ames
   60    28  Brennan Johnson, Sr         16:40    Roosevelt
   61        Heidi Leaf, Sr              16:42    Boone
   62    29  Kelli Ryan, Sr              16:44    Johnston
   63    30  Claire Lamarche, Sr         16:46    Roosevelt
   64    31  Nikki Desplinter, Jr        16:48    Johnston
   65        Ann Lynch, Sr               16:50    Valley
   66    32  Queen Konne, Jr             16:51    Roosevelt
   67        Anna Dudsk, Sr              16:55    Iowa City High
   68        Heidi Dobberke, Jr          16:55    Ames
   69        Carly Swanson, Sr           17:00    Ames
   70        Sarah Hoy, Sr               17:01    Valley
   71        Ashley Peppels, Jr          17:02    Ames
   72        Kristi Wass, Jr             17:04    Ames
   73        Sylvia Fanous, Sr           17:05    Ames
   74        Kim Nguyen, Sr              17:07    Iowa City High
   75        Brooke Davitt, Jr           17:11    Indianola
   76        Abby Martin, Sr             17:15    Boone
   77        Kelli Brown, Sr             17:17    Boone
   78    33  Katie Couch, Sr             17:19    Roosevelt
   79        A Platt, Jr                 17:23    Ames
   80    34  Abby Sawyer, Jr             17:35    Roosevelt
   81        Hailyn Nielson, Jr          17:41    Roosevelt
   82        Chi Chi Farr, Sr            17:43    Roosevelt
   83        Megan Huisenga, Jr          17:44    Iowa City High
   84        Marin Swesey, Jr            17:48    Iowa City High
   85    35  Sara Craig, Jr              17:52    Dowling
   86        Rachel Smelser, Sr          17:54    Ames
   87        Rose Ochienge, Jr           17:57    Ames
   88        Meredith Mull, Sr           17:58    Ames
   89    36  Felisa Hansen, Jr           18:01    Johnston
   90        Emma Duer, Sr               18:06    Iowa City High
   91        Mattea Wayne, Sr            18:13    Ames
   92        Anna Marcinow, Sr           18:16    Ames
   93        Alison Buck, Sr             18:16    Ames
   94    37  Tara Ely, Jr                18:19    Johnston
   95        Ann Keller, Jr              18:30    Indianola
   96        Jamie Blake, Sr             19:18    Indianola
   97    38  Annie Victor, Jr            19:28    Dowling
   98        Toni Chalup, So             20:22    Roosevelt
   99        Andrea Young, Jr            20:32    Valley
  100        Nikki Jamison, So           24:32    Roosevelt
  101        Letom Berakor, Jr           25:28    Roosevelt


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