Sept. 14, 2000

MS Girls

9/10 Girls

JV Girls

Varsity Girls

MS Boys

9/10 Boys

JV Boys

Varsity Boys

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  1   Iowa City High           20    1    3    4    5    7   11   15   19:21      1:00
  2   Ames                     42    2    8    9   10   13   14   28   19:59      1:26
  3   Valley                  116    6   12   29   34   35   40   52   21:08      2:21
  4   Johnston                137   17   18   24   37   41   43   46   21:44      1:46
  5   Dowling                 141   20   21   30   32   38   47   51   21:43      1:20
  6   Southeast Polk          148   16   19   22   42   49             21:56      2:46
  7   Roosevelt               153   25   26   27   31   44   45   50   21:51      1:40
  8   Boone                   179   23   33   36   39   48   53        22:15      2:09


1. Iowa City High
    1  Dan Groepper, Fr            18:47  
    3  Mark Reisinger, So          19:17  
    4  Dirk Marple, Fr             19:23  
    5  Luke Bross, So              19:30  
    7  Chris Shultz, So            19:47  
Time = 1:36:42     Places = 20

2. Ames
    2  Gavin White, So             19:09  
    8  Brent Trevillyan, So        19:52  
    9  Luke Hibbing, So            20:04  
   10  Ben Cheney, So              20:15  
   13  Franklin Fuller, Fr         20:34  
Time = 1:39:51     Places = 42

3. Valley
    6  Scott Cutler, So            19:37  
   12  Richard Elings, So          20:25  
   29  Cooper Riley, Fr            21:43  
   34  Nic Thieman, So             21:58  
   35  Eliot Claypool, Fr          21:58  
Time = 1:45:40     Places = 116

4. Johnston
   17  Eric Desplinter, So         20:59  
   18  David Fella, So             21:01  
   24  Kyle Foshe, Fr              21:23  
   37  Andy Vchytil, So            22:31  
   41  Seth Vanroekel, So          22:44  
Time = 1:48:36     Places = 137

5. Dowling
   20  Brian Werner, Fr            21:12  
   21  Ted Riesenberg, So          21:13  
   30  Tom Finan, Fr               21:44  
   32  Alex Lawler, Fr             21:56  
   38  Joe Heun, Fr                22:31  
Time = 1:48:34     Places = 141

6. Southeast Polk
   16  Jared Phipps, So            20:53  
   19  Tony White, So              21:07  
   22  Mark Strosahl, Fr           21:15  
   42  Rollin Perry, Fr            22:47  
   49  Alex Winkels, So            23:39  
Time = 1:49:39     Places = 148

7. Roosevelt
   25  Colin Farley, So            21:26  
   26  Salah Salah, So             21:30  
   27  Josh Anderson, Fr           21:30  
   31  Mike Walker, Fr             21:46  
   44  Greg Shepard, So            23:05  
Time = 1:49:15     Places = 153

8. Boone
   23  Brandon Shearer, Fr         21:19  
   33  Clay Vinson, So             21:57  
   36  Andy Wailes, So             21:59  
   39  Jordan Navara, Fr           22:32  
   48  Steven Turner, Fr           23:27  
Time = 1:51:12     Places = 179

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Dan Groepper, Fr            18:47    Iowa City High
    2     2  Gavin White, So             19:09    Ames
    3     3  Mark Reisinger, So          19:17    Iowa City High
    4     4  Dirk Marple, Fr             19:23    Iowa City High
    5     5  Luke Bross, So              19:30    Iowa City High
    6     6  Scott Cutler, So            19:37    Valley
    7     7  Chris Shultz, So            19:47    Iowa City High
    8     8  Brent Trevillyan, So        19:52    Ames
    9     9  Luke Hibbing, So            20:04    Ames
   10    10  Ben Cheney, So              20:15    Ames
   11    11  Scott Garvey, Fr            20:16    Iowa City High
   12    12  Richard Elings, So          20:25    Valley
   13        Tyler Gray, Fr              20:26    Indianola
   14    13  Franklin Fuller, Fr         20:34    Ames
   15    14  Nathan Weiss, Fr            20:35    Ames
   16    15  Jon Stensvaag, So           20:40    Iowa City High
   17    16  Jared Phipps, So            20:53    Southeast Polk
   18        Jason Brummond, So          20:59    Iowa City High
   19    17  Eric Desplinter, So         20:59    Johnston
   20    18  David Fella, So             21:01    Johnston
   21        Dave Heckman, Fr            21:05    Iowa City High
   22    19  Tony White, So              21:07    Southeast Polk
   23        Chris Penick, Fr            21:08    Iowa City High
   24    20  Brian Werner, Fr            21:12    Dowling
   25    21  Ted Riesenberg, So          21:13    Dowling
   26    22  Mark Strosahl, Fr           21:15    Southeast Polk
   27    23  Brandon Shearer, Fr         21:19    Boone
   28    24  Kyle Foshe, Fr              21:23    Johnston
   29    25  Colin Farley, So            21:26    Roosevelt
   30    26  Salah Salah, So             21:30    Roosevelt
   31    27  Josh Anderson, Fr           21:30    Roosevelt
   32    28  David Metzger, So           21:33    Ames
   33        Rob Parker, So              21:34    Iowa City High
   34        Ethan Whited, Fr            21:43    Ames
   35    29  Cooper Riley, Fr            21:43    Valley
   36    30  Tom Finan, Fr               21:44    Dowling
   37    31  Mike Walker, Fr             21:46    Roosevelt
   38    32  Alex Lawler, Fr             21:56    Dowling
   39    33  Clay Vinson, So             21:57    Boone
   40    34  Nic Thieman, So             21:58    Valley
   41    35  Eliot Claypool, Fr          21:58    Valley
   42    36  Andy Wailes, So             21:59    Boone
   43        Jamison Shipley, Fr         22:07    East
   44        Jesse Duer, So              22:14    Iowa City High
   45        Colin Donahue, Fr           22:24    Indianola
   46        Spencer Smith, So           22:25    Iowa City High
   47    37  Andy Vchytil, So            22:31    Johnston
   48    38  Joe Heun, Fr                22:31    Dowling
   49    39  Jordan Navara, Fr           22:32    Boone
   50        Jason Barnes, Fr            22:38    Iowa City High
   51    40  Colin Johnson, So           22:40    Valley
   52    41  Seth Vanroekel, So          22:44    Johnston
   53    42  Rollin Perry, Fr            22:47    Southeast Polk
   54    43  Jim Mahony, Fr              22:59    Johnston
   55        David Gelder, Fr            23:01    Iowa City High
   56        Bryan Goodall, Fr           23:04    Ames
   57    44  Greg Shepard, So            23:05    Roosevelt
   58    45  Oliver Borzo, Fr            23:08    Roosevelt
   59    46  Scott Walter, Fr            23:09    Johnston
   60        Aaron Cilek, So             23:18    Iowa City High
   61    47  Craig Ingrisano, Fr         23:22    Dowling
   62        Dan Stewart, So             23:24    Johnston
   63    48  Steven Turner, Fr           23:27    Boone
   64        Blake Hainline, So          23:32    Johnston
   65        Scott Flaherty, So          23:33    East
   66        Jason Hicks, Fr             23:35    Iowa City High
   67    49  Alex Winkels, So            23:39    Southeast Polk
   68        Jon Humston, So             23:40    Iowa City High
   69        Colin Raaz, Fr              23:51    Iowa City High
   70    50  Clayton Hamilton, Fr        24:02    Roosevelt
   71        Huston Devries, So          24:04    Roosevelt
   72    51  Tim Dols, So                24:10    Dowling
   73    52  John Conner, Fr             24:21    Valley
   74        James Reed, So              24:32    Valley
   75        Travis Wirth, So            24:35    Iowa City High
   76        Mike Bergman                24:36    Dowling
   77        Kevin Mieu, So              24:42    Johnston
   78        Ariel Sandler, Fr           24:44    Roosevelt
   79        John Lickteig, Fr           24:44    Dowling
   80        Michael Herr, Fr            25:06    East
   81        Dan Hallihan, Fr            25:13    Ames
   82        Adam Storey, So             25:26    Dowling
   83        Trevor Dickey, Fr           25:37    East
   84        Andrew Paul, So             25:42    Valley
   85        Andy Wilkinson, Fr          25:46    Dowling
   86        Posha Korsakov, Fr          25:47    Valley
   87    53  Jim Thompson, So            26:05    Boone
   88        Alex Reed, So               26:14    Valley
   89        Zach Grife, So              26:43    Indianola


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