Oct. 5, 2000

MS Girls

MS Boys






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  1   Valley                   13    1    4    8   12:26      1:14
  2   Ankeny                   25    5    9   11   12:59        24
  3   Urbandale                29    7   10   12   13:05        18
  4   Mason City               36    6   14   16   13:17        54
  5   Ames                     39    3   15   21   13:27      2:02
  6   Southeast Polk           43    2   19   22   13:47      2:26
  7   Johnston                 55   17   18   20   14:07        30
  8   Dowling                  64   13   24   27   14:34      2:12
  9   Indianola                74   23   25   26   15:07        39


1. Valley
    1  Jennie Funk, Fr             11:42  
    4  Lauren Hill, Fr             12:41  
    8  Stephanie Perkins, Fr       12:55  
Time = 37:17     Places = 13

2. Ankeny
    5  Sarah Battani, Fr           12:46  
    9  Mackenzie Madison, Fr       13:01  
   11  Bryna Copes, Fr             13:09  
Time = 38:55     Places = 25

3. Urbandale
    7  Allison Wunsch, Fr          12:54  
   10  Kara Neumann, Fr            13:09  
   12  Kelly Bright, Fr            13:11  
Time = 39:13     Places = 29

4. Mason City
    6  Erin Nielsen, Fr            12:48  
   14  Bethany Aberg, Fr           13:20  
   16  Sam Schmidt, Fr             13:42  
Time = 39:49     Places = 36

5. Ames
    3  Traci Hawley, Fr            12:23  
   15  Jacquelyn Brannan, Fr       13:32  
   21  Rebecca Raab, Fr            14:25  
Time = 40:19     Places = 39

6. Southeast Polk
    2  Brooke Boley, Fr            12:18  
   19  Lisa Stepl, Fr              14:17  
   22  Danielle Kisner, Fr         14:44  
Time = 41:19     Places = 43

7. Johnston
   17  Heather Nordquist, Fr       13:54  
   18  Tiffany Barz, Fr            14:03  
   20  Stephanie Wilmore, Fr       14:23  
Time = 42:20     Places = 55

8. Dowling
   13  Ann Pick, Fr                13:17  
   24  Rachel Downey, Fr           14:57  
   27  Kami Brandt, Fr             15:28  
Time = 43:41     Places = 64

9. Indianola
   23  Allison Roen, Fr            14:45  
   25  Katie Elliott, Fr           15:14  
   26  Alison Bowlin, Fr           15:23  
Time = 45:21     Places = 74

 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME        TEAM

    1     1  Jennie Funk, Fr             11:42    Valley
    2     2  Brooke Boley, Fr            12:18    Southeast Polk
    3     3  Traci Hawley, Fr            12:23    Ames
    4     4  Lauren Hill, Fr             12:41    Valley
    5     5  Sarah Battani, Fr           12:46    Ankeny
    6     6  Erin Nielsen, Fr            12:48    Mason City
    7     7  Allison Wunsch, Fr          12:54    Urbandale
    8     8  Stephanie Perkins, Fr       12:55    Valley
    9     9  Mackenzie Madison, Fr       13:01    Ankeny
   10    10  Kara Neumann, Fr            13:09    Urbandale
   11    11  Bryna Copes, Fr             13:09    Ankeny
   12    12  Kelly Bright, Fr            13:11    Urbandale
   13    13  Ann Pick, Fr                13:17    Dowling
   14    14  Bethany Aberg, Fr           13:20    Mason City
   15        Katie Christensen, Fr       13:25    Ankeny
   16    15  Jacquelyn Brannan, Fr       13:32    Ames
   17        Stephanie Baker, Fr         13:33    Valley
   18    16  Sam Schmidt, Fr             13:42    Mason City
   19        Brooke Fuchs, Fr            13:53    Mason City
   20    17  Heather Nordquist, Fr       13:54    Johnston
   21    18  Tiffany Barz, Fr            14:03    Johnston
   22        Katie Kooienga, Fr          14:08    Urbandale
   23        Melissa Hanson, Fr          14:09    Ankeny
   24        Jessica Lufkin, Fr          14:13    Valley
   25    19  Lisa Stepl, Fr              14:17    Southeast Polk
   26    20  Stephanie Wilmore, Fr       14:23    Johnston
   27    21  Rebecca Raab, Fr            14:25    Ames
   28        Jackie Brown, Fr            14:30    Ankeny
   29        Katy Fuchman, Fr            14:31    Ankeny
   30        Shea Prueger, Fr            14:34    Ames
   31        Hannah Stevenson, Fr        14:41    Mason City
   32        Rachel Hobson, Fr           14:41    Urbandale
   33    22  Danielle Kisner, Fr         14:44    Southeast Polk
   34    23  Allison Roen, Fr            14:45    Indianola
   35        Nora Liebergesell, Fr       14:48    Valley
   36        Brittney Shirk, Fr          14:54    Mason City
   37        Amy Bergman, Fr             14:55    Urbandale
   38        Lisa Foster, Fr             14:56    Urbandale
   39        Anna Domoto, Fr             14:57    Ames
   40    24  Rachel Downey, Fr           14:57    Dowling
   41        Megan Todd, Fr              15:01    Valley
   42        Lindsay Sanchez, Fr         15:03    Mason City
   43        Claire Miller, Fr           15:04    Ames
   44    25  Katie Elliott, Fr           15:14    Indianola
   45        Amber Dekok, So             15:18    Ames
   46        Katie Lutz, Fr              15:18    Ames
   47        Molly McCaughey, Fr         15:18    Ankeny
   48        Rachel Nogart, Fr           15:22    Ankeny
   49        Denise Clark, Fr            15:22    Ames
   50        Mary Spalding, Fr           15:23    Ankeny
   51    26  Alison Bowlin, Fr           15:23    Indianola
   52    27  Kami Brandt, Fr             15:28    Dowling
   53        Emily Tuttle, Fr            15:37    Ames
   54        Shawna Paca, Fr             15:40    Ankeny
   55        Aaron Cooper, Fr            15:52    North
   56        Katie Tlach, Fr             15:59    Indianola
   57        Shauna Olson, Fr            16:04    Mason City
   58        Molly Lehr, Fr              16:05    Indianola
   59        Katie Hlavka, Fr            16:07    Johnston
   60        Nadia Hashemi-Toroghi, Fr   16:25    Ames
   61        Patricia Mangaudis, Fr      16:28    Ames
   62        Mandy Johnson, Fr           16:30    Dowling
   63        Tiffany McCarty, Fr         16:32    Ankeny
   64        Katie Glaser, Fr            16:42    Dowling
   65        Danielle Hill, Fr           16:49    Mason City
   66        Kristi Baker, Fr            16:50    Ames
   67        Tina Clark, Fr              16:52    North
   68        Bethany Wagner, Fr          16:53    Ames
   69        Jess Estill, Fr             16:55    Ames
   70        Jessica Polich, Fr          16:55    Ames
   71        Katie Steveson, Fr          17:10    Indianola
   72        Laura Boden, Fr             17:10    Indianola
   73        Margaret Ellen Wade, Fr     17:19    Ames
   74        Amy Gobel, Fr               17:41    Indianola
   75        Arriel Wayne, Fr            18:09    Ames
   76        Angie Schippers, Fr         19:31    Southeast Polk
   77        Molly Carpenter, Fr         19:49    Ames


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